Landing pages
Wells Fargo Summer Food Bank
Landing page destination for the annual Wells Fargo and Feeding American holiday food bank campaign. The page aimed to share the impact made and showcase video content from Good Morning America, the American Music Awards, and more.
Wells Fargo Mortgage
Underserved first-time homebuyers believe that, because of their unique financial situations, they need to work with a lender who not only understands their specific needs, but who is also willing to and capable of guiding them through this highly complex, emotional journey. The landing page was effective by:
Humanizing the home mortgage consultants
Bringing customer success stories to life leveraging existing content
A creative solution to serve NeighborhoodLIFT to relevant markets; despite this being assumed off the table due to limited market availability, the clients were very pleased with this exploration
An interactive, lightweight quiz to address audience worries and misconceptions about the mortgage process.
Integrating the mad libs approach to help user self-identify where they are in the process